Monday, 20 April 2009

Premium SMS - Mobile Billing and Marketing

Premium SMS (also called reverse billed SMS or Mobile Terminated Billing) is a payment method, which allows the Customer to pay with their mobile phone bill, but without needing access to a Credit/Debit card.

txtNation Limited provides messaging, content, and billing solutions across mobile and other platforms. It offers mBILL, which allows users to charge for products and services to a customer’s mobile phone. In order to pay for some services, the Customer sends SMS to the Provider’s number and receives a digital access code to his phone. At this moment, the Customer’s phone bill is then charged and the money is transferred to the Provider’s account. This payment style is perfect for so-called “micro-payments”.

The mobile market has grown rapidly in a short space of time and Premium SMS billing is also consistently increasing in popularity with this trend. The reason for such PSMS popularity lies in the fact that it is a very successful way for companies to reach their Customers. This may be the reason Premium messaging has become very popular with companies to carry out marketing experiments due to the high coverage that can be achieved.

txtNation also provides mFUSION, a platform for delivering mobile campaigns, which allows companys to set up Mobile marketing campaigns easily. The Client can purchase or define a list of recipients (mobile numbers and names of users). The system automatically tracks user behavior, sends/receives SMS and runs the campaign. The Client gets status reports in different formats.

To find out more about txtNation’s Mobile Billing and Marketing solutions please visit and General information about txtNation and all our products can be found at You can also find us on twitter, myspace and facebook for more infomation.

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